Park Soo-hyun, senior presidential secretary for public communication at the Blue House today (1st), demanded an apology from the transition committee, saying that it was an "insulting briefing" for the presidential takeover committee yesterday's public criticism of the election of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering's CEO Park Doo-seon as 'the current government's shrewd person' I did.

Earlier, Won Il-hee, senior deputy spokesperson for the transition committee, pointed out at a briefing yesterday, "Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering has forced the election of President Park, who is known as President Moon Jae-in's younger brother and university alumni," and pointed out that "it was an irrational and disrespectful treatment."

Chief Park appeared on 'Kim Eo-jun's News Factory' today and said, "The Moon Jae-in government has never been involved in personnel affairs at private companies. I wrote a briefing,” he pointed out.

He continued, "You said 'beating eggs' and 'irrational', but how can you define this only with suspicion?" He said.

Chief Park said, "I felt insulted (by the briefing of the transition committee)," and criticized, "In the good atmosphere of meeting between President Moon Jae-in and President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol, they are trying to take over each other, and they gave a briefing with cold water."

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Regarding the continuing suspicions about Kim Jung-sook's 'clothing price', Park said, "It's really too much to do. It is a state that is stretched out,” he criticized.

When asked if he could disclose the special activity expenses, he said, "If possible, we would like it to be disclosed as much as possible," but he said, "If you ask us why we don't disclose things that are (legally) private, isn't it the same as telling us to do something illegal? ' he replied.

(Photo = Yonhap News)